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Association of Safe Specialists

Experts in nondestructive safe opening


About Us

The Association of Safe Specialists is an independent organisation which connects professional safe technicians and other experts in safes and safe opening. We specialize in nondestructive methods of opening safe locks. We place high demands on skills and knowledge but also on honesty, integrity and adherence to the code of ethics of our organisation. 


We provide consulting on safes and security for the public, government agencies, banking institutions and other businesses and organizations.

Opening and service of safes

Our members can provide professional opening and service of safes. We can open most safes without damage using state-of-the-art techniques..

World class experts

We keep our knowledge and equipment up to date. We are collaborating with some of the experts from all around the world.

Do you know who is handling your safe?

Many companies offer the opening, service and sale of safes especialy on the internet. Unfortunately, the quality of the services is often very low. People who offer these services often do not have the necessary knowledge, qualifications or equipment. They are trying lure in customers with low prices, the customers often end up overpaying for poor service. For instance, repairing damages caused by an emergency opening performed by un unskilled technician usually ends up costing much more than a nondestructive opening performed by an expert. In addition, the safe opened by an unskilled technician may no longer meet security standards and will not adequately protect your property.


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Our members have all the required qualification required in the Czech Republic by law


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Opening safes without damage requires a high level of knowledge. Our members have many years of experience in the field.


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Nondestructive opening of safes requires specialized tools that is not commonly owned by locksmiths. Our members use decoders and other equipment developped by our members and by the best foreign manufacturers.

Czech Republic and beyond

Our specialists operate throughout the whole Czech Republic with centers in Prague, Brno and Olomouc. In individual cases, our experts can also perform work in other countries.

Quality guaranteed

We guarantee a successful opening that is done in such a way that insures minimal damage. After the opening, the safe is returned into a fully secured state. 

Individual approach

We can descretely provide solutions tailored to the needs of individuals, companies and institutions.

We can open most safes nondestructively

using state-of-the-art tools.




Asociace trezorových specialistů ATRES
U Obory 235, 250 70
Panenské Břežany


+420 724 256 386
+420 605 800 666‬
+420 774 900 361